Saturday, February 21, 2015

Weekly Content Roundup: How do supermarkets use on-site content marketing and other stories

Welcome to my collection of articles on writing and the art of communication I read during the course of the week. This is apart from what I tweet @ottayan.

How do supermarkets use on-site content marketing?

Retailers are discovering innovative ways to generate online traffic and in turn add new customers. This is particularly true in the fierce online food and recipe ideas universe.

For instance, supermarkets are past masters in keeping ahead of the competition, with the help of a content strategy.

As online shopping becomes increasingly popular, it is important for retailers to learn from giants such as Waitrose and Tesco to find ways of generating traffic and attracting new customers.

Catch what they’re doing right, here.

The Long Road to Self-Publishing

Why is it difficult for a self-publishing author to achieve commercial success? The answer is simple; very few of them have the ability to create a demand for their book.

It is difficult to have great commercial success with self-publishing because it is all up to you to create demand for your book, which is never as easy as people think. In the end, if you are making your book for your own reasons then self-publishing can be a rewarding (if not long) journey. If you want to be the next Wealthy Barber however, get yourself an agent and go the traditional route.

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How to Promote Your Content on Twitter
Organic reach is dwindling. So, how do marketers with limited budgets improve their reach?

To this end, Daniel, Content Writer at Search Engine People, has compiled a list of 7 awesome tips that will help you develop a hybrid paid/organic promotion strategy. Read on to learn more about how to promote your content on Twitter so that your content production efforts are not wasted.

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekly Content Round-Up: Behind every good headline is a stronger timeline & other stories

Welcome to my collection of articles on writing and the art of communication I read during the course of the week. This is apart from what I tweet @ottayan.

Behind every good headline is a stronger timeline

As the nature of journalism changes and even the art of headline-writing is being transformed by search requirements and ‘clickbait’ descriptions, a new app is putting context into headlines and history into stories.

The dawn of marketing’s new golden age

Even as marketing reaches new heights with technology-enabled measurement, the importance of the story hasn’t diminished. But ways to tell it are morphing continually as the stuff of storytelling encompasses richer digital interactions, and mobile devices become more powerful communications tools. In this world, creativity is in greater demand than ever.

Google’s “Dear Sophie” advertisement is an example of the modern art form. It tells the story of a father writing to his daughter as she grows up, with the narrative demonstrating how Google search, Gmail, and YouTube can be new channels of human connectivity.

Get high Search rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing: To learn how click here.  

The troubled present and promising future of scholarly communication

AND there’s the rub: Capital is an outlier. Holding the odd bestseller aside, the digital disruption of the print world that is transforming commercial publishing also affects publishers of scholarly books and journals—and is changing structures for teaching, research, and hiring and promoting professors. Time-honored traditions appear vulnerable to overhaul or even extinction.

Ex-Presidents and the ‘Tweet of the Year’: In Conversation with P.J. Crowley, former State Department spokesman (Part 2 of 2)

So, it is about taking your big idea and then figuring out: What does that mean for the average person? How does that change the reality of one person, then a street block, then a community, then a city, then a state, then a country, then a world? It all gets down to finding the right lens through which to tell the story about the big idea. It’s converting an idea into a narrative to create the political support that you need to move from an idea to adoption to impact. The best politicians are the ones that find that story and then can tell it effectively. Organizations are the same way.

3 Social Media Thoughts to help you break away from the Herd

With so much content being created and shared online, you need to make sure you are creating quality content that engages with your customers. It doesn’t need to be pushy or “salesy”- but it should be content that creates interest and engagement. As marketer, Mark Schaefer puts it- it should be content that ignites.

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